Kosovo PM is head of human organ and arms ring, Council of Europe reports

Two-year inquiry accuses Albanian 'mafia-like' crime network of killing Serb prisoners for their kidneys
By Paul Lewis in Pristina
Hashim Thaci, prime minister of Kosovo
Hashim Thaci, prime minister of Kosovo. Photograph: Dieter Nagl/AFP/Getty Images
Kosovo's prime minister is the head of a "mafia-like" Albanian group responsible for smuggling weapons, drugs and human organs through eastern Europe, according to a Council of Europe inquiry report onorganised crime.
Hashim Thaçi is identified as the boss of a network that began operating criminal rackets in the runup to the 1999 Kosovo war, and has held powerful sway over the country's government since.
The report of the two-year inquiry, which cites FBI and other intelligence sources, has been obtained by the Guardian. It names Thaçi as having over the last decade exerted "violent control" over the heroin trade. Figures from Thaçi's inner circle are also accused of taking captives across the border into Albania after the war, where a number of Serbs are said to have been murdered for their kidneys, which were sold on the black market.
Legal proceedings began in a Pristina district court today into a case of alleged organ trafficking discovered by police in 2008. That case – in which organs are said to have been taken from impoverished victims at a clinic known as Medicus – is said by the report to be linked to Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) organ harvesting in 2000. It comes at a crucial period for Kosovo, which on Sunday held its first elections since declaring independence from Serbia in 2008. Thaçi claimed victory in the election and has been seeking to form a coalition with opposition parties.
Dick Marty, the human rights investigator behind the inquiry, will present his report to European diplomats from all 47 member states at a meeting in Paris on Thursday. His report suggests Thaçi's links with organised crime date back more than a decade, when those loyal to his Drenica group came to dominate the KLA, and seized control of "most of the illicit criminal enterprises" in which Kosovans were involved south of the border, in Albania.
During the Kosovo conflict Slobodan Miloševic's troops responded to attacks by the KLA by orchestrating a horrific campaign against ethnic Albanians in the territory. As many as 10,000 are estimated to have died at the hands of Serbian troops.
While deploring Serb atrocities, Marty said the international community chose to ignore suspected war crimes by the KLA, "placing a premium instead on achieving some degree of short-term stability". He concludes that during the Kosovo war and for almost a year after, Thaçi and four other members of the Drenica group named in the report carried out "assassinations, detentions, beatings and interrogations". This same hardline KLA faction has held considerable power in Kosovo's government over the last decade, with the support of western powers keen to ensure stability in the fledgling state.
The report paints a picture in which ex-KLA commanders have played a crucial role in the region's criminal activity. It says: "In confidential reports spanning more than a decade, agencies dedicated to combating drug smuggling in at least five countries have named Hashim Thaçi and other members of his Drenica group as having exerted violent control over the trade in heroin and other narcotics."
Marty says: "Thaçi and these other Drenica group members are consistently named as 'key players' in intelligence reports on Kosovo's mafia-like structures of organised crime. I have examined these diverse, voluminous reports with consternation and a sense of moral outrage."
His inquiry was commissioned after the former chief prosecutor for war crimes at the Hague, Carla Del Ponte, said she had been prevented from investigating senior KLA officials. Her most shocking claim, which she said required further investigation, was that the KLA smuggled captive Serbs across the border into Albania, where their organs were harvested.
The report, which states that it is not a criminal investigation and unable to pronounce judgments of guilt or innocence, gives some credence to Del Ponte's claims.
It finds the KLA did hold mostly Serb captives in a secret network of six detention facilities in northern Albania, and that Thaçi's Drenica group "bear the greatest responsibility" for prisons and the fate of those held in them.
They include a "handful" of prisoners said to have been transferred to a makeshift prison just north of Tirana, where they were killed for their kidneys.
The report states: "As and when the transplant surgeons were confirmed to be in position and ready to operate, the captives were brought out of the 'safe house' individually, summarily executed by a KLA gunman, and their corpses transported swiftly to the operating clinic.''
The same Kosovan and foreign individuals involved in the macabre killings are linked to the Medicus case, the report finds.
Marty is critical of the western powers which have provided a supervisory role in Kosovo's emergence as a state, for failing to hold senior figures, including Thaçi, to account. His report criticises "faltering political will on the part of the international community to effectively prosecute the former leaders of the KLA".
It concludes: "The signs of collusion between the criminal class and the highest political and institutional office holders are too numerous and too serious to be ignored.
"It is a fundamental right of Kosovo's citizens to know the truth, the whole truth, and also an indispensable condition for reconciliation between the communities and the country's prosperous future."
If as expected the report is formally adopted by the committee this week, the findings will go before the parliamentary assembly next year.
The Kosovo government tonight dismissed the allegations, claiming they were the produce of "despicable and bizarre actions by people with no moral credibility".
"Today, the Guardian published an article that referred to a report from a member of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, Dick Marty, which follows up on past reports published over the last 12 years aiming at maligning the war record of the Kosovo Liberation Army and its leaders," it said in a statement.
"The allegations have been investigated several times by local and international judiciary, and in each case, it was concluded that such statements have were not based on facts and were construed to damage the image of Kosovo and the war of the Kosovo Liberation Army.
"It is clear that someone wants to place obstacles in the way of prime minister, Hashim Thaçi, after the general election, in which the people of Kosovo placed their clear and significant trust in him to deliver the development programme and governance of our country.
"Such despicable and bizarre actions by people with no moral credibility, serve the ends of only those specific circles that do not wish well to Kosovo and its people."

7.4 million Afghans are living with hunger and fear of starvation Thanks to US

Afghanistan ranks 155th out of 169 countries on the U.N. Development Programme's Human Development Index

By Michelle Nichols
The United Nations on Saturday launched a $678 million humanitarian appeal for Afghanistan, where despite inflows of millions of foreign aid dollars, the world body said about a quarter of the population goes hungry.
Poverty and food insecurity in Afghanistan grows
7.4 million Afghans live with hunger and fear of starvation, millions more rely on food help and one in five children die before the age of five.
U.N. Assistant Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs Catherine Bragg said some 7.4 million Afghans were living with hunger and fear of starvation, millions more rely on food help and one in five children die before the age of five.
"Despite progress in some areas, the toll of the ongoing conflict and endemic natural disasters on Afghanistan's people remains immense, requiring continued life saving assistance," Bragg, also the U.N. deputy emergency relief coordinator, said in a statement marking the 2011 appeal.
Western nations supporting President Hamid Karzai are pouring vast amounts of aid into Afghanistan, but much of the cash is spent in areas with the worst insurgency problems to show locals that they can reap gains from rejecting the Taliban.
A substantial portion also goes on security costs and the salaries of foreign experts.
Afghanistan does not grow enough food for its people, and the war between NATO-led forces and the Taliban -- now in its 10th year -- has pushed up costs of imports. The conflict has also made swathes of the country inaccessible for aid groups.
The International Committee of the Red Cross warned on Thursday that the dire humanitarian situation was likely to deteriorate further unless a political settlement was reached between the government and the Taliban.
Afghanistan ranks 155th out of 169 countries on the U.N. Development Programme's Human Development Index, which measures health, knowledge, and income. Bragg said the conflict had cut the capacity and availability of basic services.
"We hope to recast the humanitarian agenda in Afghanistan based upon the core tenets of humanity, impartiality and neutrality and be better placed to reach more people," she said.
But the pressure on 192 U.N. member states for aid is high with fundraising competing with other campaigns, including help for earthquake survivors in Haiti and flood victims in Pakistan.
The 2010 U.N. appeal for $775 million for Afghanistan has achieved two-thirds of its target and is the fourth most funded U.N. appeal this year behind Haiti, Pakistan and Sudan.
The ICRC also launched its appeal this week for $89 million for Afghanistan, its largest humanitarian operation for the second year in a row.
Despite the presence of 150,000 foreign troops, military and civilian casualties are at their worst levels since the 2001 removal of the Taliban.
U.S. and NATO leaders agreed last month to a schedule set by Afghan President Hamid Karzai for foreign forces to end combat operations in Afghanistan by 2014. U.S. President Barack Obama, who will review his Afghanistan war strategy next month, has said Washington will begin a gradual drawdown from July 2011.

Read more: http://www.rawa.org/temp/runews/2010/12/04/un-7-4-million-afghans-are-living-with-hunger-and-fear-of-starvation.html#ixzz17GpF5x5G

It's Our Future

Abandoning "Net Neutrality," FCC Chair Backs Two-Tiered Internet Fees

The Federal Communications Commission is being accused of abandoning "net neutrality" rules that would ensure a free and open internet. On Wednesday, FCC Chairman Julius Genachowski unveiled proposals that would allow internet service providers to charge higher fees for faster access to online content. We speak to Josh Silver, co-founder of the media reform group Free Press. 

NATO Forces in Afghanistan Can’t Deny They Killed Civilians in Sangin Anymore

U.S. and allied forces in Afghanistan killed dozens of people in the Sangin District of Helmand Province on July 23

Derrick Crowe, Political Director, Brave New Foundation
Exclusive, on-the-ground interviews obtained by Brave New Foundation's Rethink Afghanistan project confirm what NATO forces repeatedly denied: U.S. and allied forces in Afghanistan killed dozens of people in the Sangin District of Helmand Province on July 23.
Afghan President Hamid Karzai's office first acknowledged the incident when they condemned the killings on July 26. At that time, the Afghan National Directorate of Security claimed that the American-led International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) killed "52 civilians...including women and children" in a "rocket attack." (The Kabul government later revised that tally to 39.) By Sunday, August 1, there were protests in the streets of Kabul.

Video Clip
ISAF immediately attacked the credibility of the Afghan government's report, complaining bitterly of Karzai's decision to condemn the incident without conferring with U.S. and allied forces.
Working with our team in Afghanistan led by Anita Sreedhar, Brave New Foundation's Rethink Afghanistan campaign sent an intrepid local blogger into Sangin--one of Afghanistan's most volatile areas--to get the truth. The video interviews he obtained are incredible and horrifying. We made the full interview transcripts available online at http://rethinkafghanistan.com, and we encourage you to read them. Here's the short version: Every survivor our interviewer talked to confirmed that a massive civilian casualty event occurred, and that NATO was responsible.
NATO vs. the Kabul Government
ISAF began their push-back against press accounts of the Sangin incident with a simple press release on July 24: "We have no operational reporting that correlates to this alleged incident." No further press release available on the ISAF website expands or updates this statement. However, ISAF personnel soon ratcheted up their attacks on the Afghan government's narrative and, in the process, circulated alternative (and often contradictory) official responses, tallies and accounts of the event.
Quoted in a July 27 New York Times article, Rear Adm. Gregory Smith (whom you might remember from that embarrassing and horrific event in Gardez earlier this year) escalated ISAF's push-back by claiming Karzai's office's account was premature and speculative.
"Any speculation at this point of an alleged civilian casualty in Rigi village is completely unfounded...We are conducting a thorough joint investigation with our Afghan partners and will report any and all findings when known."
On August 5, ISAF spokespeople still claimed to lack information on the outcome of this promised "joint investigation." However, that didn't stop other ISAF officials from offering "speculations" of their own. Brigadier General Josef Blotz, for example, claimed that Afghan and coalition forces examined images of the scene and interviewed witnesses but found "no substance in terms of proof or evidence" to support Karzai's claim. He did, however, concede that "one to three civilians may have been inadvertently killed."
Later, again on August 5, while ISAF provided quotes from named sources for attribution that denied knowledge of the outcome of the investigation, an unnamed "senior intelligence official" told The New York Times that six civilians died with eight Taliban fighters when a troop fired a Javelin rocket into a structure from which U.S. Marines took fire.
When asked to explain the discrepancy between his tally and that of the Afghan government, the unnamed official cited "political challenges," as if "political challenges" account for a 33-person difference in the death tallies. This explanation reminds one of the Gardez massacre earlier this year, when ISAF tried to pass off its blatant lie about an American special forces team finding women "bound, gagged and executed" as a "cultural misunderstanding," when in fact they'd killed the women themselves and tried to dig the bullets out while one of them was still alive, screaming in pain. In effect, this unnamed source accused Afghan locals and officials of lying about civilian deaths because of hard feelings between them and the coalition.
What is going on here? One explanation might be that ISAF engaged in the same type of damage control campaign utilized in other horrifying incidents like the Farah airstrike and the Gardez massacre. In both cases, ISAF initially denied wrongdoing, aggressively attacked the credibility of alternative accounts that disputed the official story, and claimed that the evidence was either neutral or exculpatory. Only when new information made it impossible to deny responsibility did ISAF admit its guilt in both cases. Perhaps we're seeing a repeat of that behavior here.
Regardless of the source and possible motivation for all this contradicting information and blatant disinformation, what is clear, based on interviews obtained by our team on the ground in Sangin, is that ISAF troops killed dozens of civilians on July 23.
52 people were killed! We don't know how many children or women! ...The rest of my family is scattered and lost I don't know where they are. ...My mind doesn't work okay. ... My daughter's in laws were sitting in our house with their other children when the bombing started I saw them get killed with my own eyes!
--Mahmoud Jan Kaka
I saw a child on the floor was injured. I thought he was the only injured one so I took him to the clinic. When I came back my nephew told me that there were more injured people. I tried to pull my daughter from the rubble but I couldn't. I heard her calling for help but I couldn't reach her.
--Abdul Zahar
In all of my experiences not the Russians or the Taliban ever did what they (N.A.T.O.) did. ...I wanted to go to the government post and tell them to kill the rest of us too as we have nothing to live for anymore!
...In the morning we see bodies with heads, blood and guts everywhere, arms here and legs there. All of my loved ones who were still alive were soaked in blood. We tried to go and identify the bodies; everyone was looking for there missing relatives. There was so much sorrow and pain from those people who were lost in shock.
--Unnamed Sangin Resident 1
US troops kill civilians in Sangin
U.S. and allied forces in Afghanistan have denied they killed several dozen civilians in Sangin District of Helmand Province on July 23. But new video of Rethink Afghanistan exposes the truth about one of the worst civilian casualty incidents of the war.
The most important takeaway from these interviews, aside from the universal attribution of blame to NATO, is that there is absolutely no way that the civilian death toll is in the single digits. One person described losing eight family members; another said he lost nine loved ones; still another lost 11. One of the men, Abdul Barg, insisted that, "the number of martyred were no less than 35 up to 50." He also related that "every family in the village was placing at least a couple of their loved ones in a bag."
These video interviews prove what NATO wants to deny. As you watch the footage of these Afghan men and hear their voices crack, it becomes sickeningly clear. U.S. and allied forces killed dozens of Afghan civilians in Sangin.
This incident is more than a moral outrage: it shows why the Afghanistan War undermines our safety. Thanks to the work of the National Bureau of Economic Research, we know that, statistically speaking, every time an incident like this happens, we can expect an additional six attacks on coalition forces. But we don't have to generalize from this incident to see the threat when the specifics spell it out so clearly:
More than 200 people demonstrated over the July 23 incident in the Sangin district of Helmand province... The protesters shouted "Death to America" and carried banners calling for justice and pictures of children they say were killed in the strike...
This is what our elected officials need to understand: when we debate the war in Afghanistan, it's not an academic exercise. It's a string of specific incidents like Sangin, concrete moral outrages that pay us back with increased strategic risk.
Our reaction to Sangin and the other similar catastrophes defines us. That's why when I go into a voting booth this November, or I get a solicitation for a political donation or a request to volunteer for a federal candidate, I'm going ask, "How did this person respond when he or she heard that we slaughtered the heart of a village? Did this person explain it away? Did they continue to support a policy that ensured more Sangins all across Afghanistan? Or did they finally catch themselves, finally realize that this war ensures the slow death of more children under rubble while parents claw at the pile?" These are the questions I'll ask myself before I punch the touch-screen at the local library, and if the opinion polls are any indication, I'll be far, far from alone.
I encourage all of you to visit http://rethinkafghanistan.com to send a note to your elected officials and let them know you'll be watching what they do in response to this disaster, and that you'll remember it when you vote in November.

Illusion of Democracy

I've been trying to write about the oil that now gushes (200,000 gallons a day is "gushing") into an ecosystem that was already collapsing and which an obituary can now be written. I'm not going to write it but it could be written and NOAA (that science agency) proved it's possibilities and  predicted it all alerting EVERYONE in a position to act in time! But the Cartels (Finance and Oil) got their way using the Illusion of Democracy created for and paid by YOU. Yep, when you filled up last you helped pay for the alcohol, cocaine and prostitutes to entertain the regulators as well as the rooms they sleep it off in afterwards. You also subsidized their shady deals, payed to much for their legal counsel and in the end will, as you always have, pick up the tab for the repercussions it all brings.  

Bill Moyers in his final broadcast called it Plutocracy and like oil and water they don't mix. You can call it what you want  (oligarchy, corporatocracyplutocracy or my favorite kleptocracy ) but it's not Democracy so don't expect that we'll act as such as our environment continues to worsen.  Unlike Prince Charles and Sting the average citizen can't afford to be "Green".  It costs too much which truly means it's not "green" with the hidden cost of this lifestyle revealed only by those who can afford it, the wealthy. Being rich just allows you to shop at Whole Foods and have at least one of your cars be a hybrid. These wealthy are great advocates of the Green Revolution but mostly the products they hawk, even if it's just themselves, the carbon they burn showing how green they are is as real as New York City and the events they love to showcase that are fake. This years Earth Day Celebrations held in the streets outside Grand Central Terminal in New York City was what I could only call disgusting. Corporate America, whatever that is, wrapped itself in the Earth Day flag. They greenwashed everyone (almost, I saw some other disgusted faces) with schwag (a marketing industry word for plastic crap to giveaway) and of course the reusable eco bag with logo's galore to carry it all in. I almost felt sorry for the few booths maned by actual concerned citizens and not paid promoters. I said, almost.

The charade goes on and on and as long as we hear of the occasional civil protest or the jailing of a corrupt individual we continue to believe in our vibrant democracy which is an illusion that will one day cost most of us a loved one or friend if it hasn't already. In these times we cannot expect our government to act on our behalf as they are not beholden to us, the citizenry. What we can expect is the continued widening of the disparity between the haves and the haves not with the continued looting by one at the expense of the other with pacification provided by the media cartels and their infotainment we so all love and trust.  With the illusion intact, patriotic means going shopping and wealth is in reach of us all. You just have to be as smart and motivated (I prefer crooked and corrupt) as the guy you wish to replace. 

So to all aspiring for the American Dream I say WAKE UP FROM YOUR MEDIA INDUCED COMA and realize that what we are really bequeathing to our children after we depart is really SERVITUDE not democracy.

Sacrifice Zone

5_03_0600(3) by uscgd85_03_0600(3) by uscgd8

NOAA graphic showing oil trajectory for May 2nd & 3rd, 2010.

Sacrifice (from a Middle English verb meaning "to make sacred", from Old French, from Latin sacrificiumsacr, "sacred" + facere, "to make") is commonly known as the practice of offering food, objects (typically valuables), or the lives of animals or people to the gods as an act of propitiation or worship. The term is also used metaphorically to describe selfless good deeds for others or a short term loss in return for a greater gain, such as in a game of chess. Recently it has also come into use as meaning doing without something or giving something up

US Military Escalates Its Dirty War In Afghanistan

...a secret area of a prison facility at Bagram Air Base is being used to subject detainees to beatings, sleep deprivation and psychological stress, as part of an interrogation regime

By James Cogan
Afghans protest killings by US troops
Afghan protesters shout anti-American slogans during a protest in Kandahar, south of Kabul, Afghanistan, Monday, April 12, 2010. International troops opened fire on a bus carrying Afghan civilians early Monday, killing four people and setting off anti-American protests in a southern city that is a hotbed of the Taliban insurgency. (Photo: AP)
The New York Times reported Sunday that American special forces units are operating in and around the Afghan city of Kandahar, assassinating or capturing alleged leaders and militants of the Taliban resistance ahead of the major US-NATO offensive scheduled for June.
Suggestive of the sinister and murderous character of such operations, the Times noted that the “opening salvos of the offensive are being carried out in the shadows”. It reported that “elite” units had been “picking up or picking off insurgent leaders” for the past several weeks.
A “senior American military officer” boasted that “large numbers of [the] insurgent leadership based in and around Kandahar have been captured or killed”, but that it was “still a contested battle space.”
The Times reported that “more than a dozen military and civilian officials directly involved in the Kandahar offensive” had agreed to speak about the special forces’ activities because it would help “scare off insurgents” before the bulk of American troops move into Taliban-held areas of the city. This claim is either patent nonsense or deliberate deception. The Taliban do not require an article in the American media to inform them that “large numbers” of their fighters are being killed or captured.
The real motive for the article is to introduce the audience of the New York Times and broader public opinion to the reality of the dirty war that the Obama administration is presiding over in Afghanistan. Assassination, or alternatively, detention without trial under the harshest conditions, is the preferred method of the US military to suppress resistance to the neo-colonial agenda of US imperialism.
The commander in Afghanistan, General Stanley McChrystal, is applying the same tactics that he used during the Bush administration’s “surge” in Iraq in 2007 and 2008, when he was serving under General David Petraeus as the head of the Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC).
A teacher from the area, Mohammed Sharif, told the New York Times, “People are fed up with these night raids and wilful operations. They are raiding houses during the night, killing innocent people. Sometimes they kill opposition people as well, but usually they are harming ordinary and innocent people.”
WSWS.org, Apr. 29, 2010
JSOC units are drawn from the Army’s Delta Force and Ranger battalions, the Navy Seals and specialized units of the Air Force. Regular Marine and Army battalions were used during the battles for Karbala, Najaf and Fallujah in 2004. The Iraq “surge” was marked by the use of JSOC, aided by local collaborators, to kill or capture suspected insurgents ahead of the deployment of larger formations into resistance-held areas.
The secretive mass killings and stories of brutal imprisonment generated terror in urban centers like Ramadi, Baqubah, Mosul, Basra, Amarah and the suburbs of Baghdad. It is credited by sections of the US military as playing an equally decisive role in subduing resistance as the parallel policy of bribing insurgents to cease fighting in exchange for amnesty and cash.
The coming assault on Kandahar is the centerpiece of the Obama administration’s plan to shatter the Afghan insurgency and finally impose American control over the country. Kandahar and the neighboring province of Helmand have been the main support bases of the Taliban movement since the mid-1990s. Large swathes of both provinces have remained under its influence since the US invasion in 2001. The majority of the predominantly ethnic Pashtun population is virulently opposed to the presence of foreign forces. They do not accept the authority of the thoroughly corrupt Afghan puppet government headed by President Hamid Karzai.
The bulk of the 30,000 additional troops ordered to Afghanistan this year by Obama are being deployed to either Kandahar or Helmand. Reflecting the views of the White House and the Pentagon, the New York Times referred to the coming operation as a “make-or-break offensive”.
Thousands of troops have been positioned to cut off the possibility of reinforcements to or escape from Kandahar. According to the Times’ sources, American units have established “several dozen” positions guarding the roads in and out of the city. A 12,000-strong US, British and Canadian force and 10,000 Afghan government soldiers will eventually be involved in the assault.
Before they are moved in, however, JSOC’s death squads have been unleashed.
An unnamed US official told the Los Angeles Times last month that a number of JSOC’s units had been transferred to Afghanistan under the Obama administration because “hunting season is over in Iraq”. According to the LA Times’ sources, JSOC currently has 5,800 personnel at its disposal in Afghanistan—double the number used during the Iraq surge. They are conducting assassination or snatch missions across the country, assisted by Special Forces units from Britain, Australia, New Zealand and some NATO states.
There is no concrete figure as to how many alleged insurgents have been assassinated in Kandahar or elsewhere in Afghanistan. JSOC operations take place under the cloak of total censorship. Nor does the US military provide any details as to the criteria used by JSOC to determine its choice of victims. It is not known, for example, if the killings are limited to armed combatants, or extends to anyone who provides political or material support to the insurgency. There is also no accountability as to how the identity of targets is verified, given that most operations take place in the dead of night, or over how many civilians are being killed or injured in the process.
There is a litany of recorded cases in which non-combatants were massacred during operations in both Iraq and Afghanistan. In the most recent example, raids last Friday and Saturday night on alleged Taliban in the eastern Afghan province of Logar resulted in the death of the local school principal and religious leader. The killing provoked an eruption of anger. A crowd of Afghans surrounded and set ablaze a column of 12 trucks carrying fuel to a nearby NATO base.
A teacher from the area, Mohammed Sharif, told the New York Times, “People are fed up with these night raids and wilful operations. They are raiding houses during the night, killing innocent people. Sometimes they kill opposition people as well, but usually they are harming ordinary and innocent people.”
Alleged insurgents who are detained disappear into various US and Afghan government-run prisons. The British Broadcasting Corporation reported on April 15 that a secret area of a prison facility at Bagram Air Base is being used to subject detainees to beatings, sleep deprivation and psychological stress, as part of an interrogation regime. The allegations were based on interviews or signed statements by nine former inmates. The charges were predictably denied by the US military.
JSOC also works closely with the CIA’s “Special Activities Division”, which is particularly involved in the assassination of alleged Afghan and Pakistani Taliban militants in the remote tribal agencies of North West Pakistan. The main method currently used for the killings is Hellfire missiles launched from remotely flown Predator drones. According to the Pakistani military, such strikes have slaughtered well over 700 innocent civilians since Obama took office, fueling support in the border region for the anti-occupation insurgency. On the weekend, two more Predator attacks were carried out in the agency of North Waziristan, killing at least 12 people.
An article in Monday’s New York Times detailed the latest innovations of the CIA to carry out its remote-controlled assassinations. They include the coffee-cup-sized, 35-pound “Small Smart Weapon” that can be “fitted with four different guidance systems that allow it to home in on targets as small as a single person in complete darkness” and a “small thermobaric warhead, which detonates a cocktail of explosive powders on impact to create a pressure wave that kills humans but leaves structures relatively intact”.
Justified in 2001 as a “war on terrorism”, the Afghan occupation has always been an attempt to impose US dominance over a strategic area of Central Asia. The only change in the conduct of the war from the Bush to the Obama White Houses has been the escalation of the number of troops involved and the greater use of a secretive apparatus of assassins to carry out the murderous repression of the Afghan people.

Israel, Palestine Sign Historic Treaty While US Declares War On Iran

Jerusalem -  Feb 23 - 2011                                

A historic Peace Treaty was signed at the Temple Mount in Jerusalem today which recognizes the Palestinian state and sets new borders to include the controversial International Guardianship provisions which gives equal rights to all nationalities in the contested holy city of Jerusalem. At the same time that the world leaders seated themselves for the ceremony the United States warship USS Cole fired 17 RIM-3 missiles, part of our sea based global missile defense system on two outbound Iranian missiles that were headed on a trajectory towards Jerusalem. As most global leaders were present for this historic signing, security in the region was already at it's tightest and following the signing the leaders met for an impromptu summit where President Obama informed them of the current situation with Iran. The Prime Minsters of Israel and Palestine met for their first time alone and declared joint security cooperation during this "sensitive new beginning" issuing a joint order declaring a ban on all celebrations and travel throughout both countries until the situation settles.  Meanwhile, the US Senate met jointly in an emergency session called by the Speaker of the House, Senator Newt Gingrich and a declaration of war against Iran was quickly passed with only 2 members voting nay. Currently both the Israeli and Palestinian parliaments are in their own emergency sessions and sources say each body is hotly debating what their positions are and what actions they will take with both promising to fully cooperate with each other under the new security frame work of the treaty. 

Global condemnation has been overwhelming towards Iran for its attempt to destroy the historic treaty signing along with all the world dignitaries who came to observe and the UN has called for an immediate resolution as soon as it can gather again in New York due to so many U.N. delegates attending the signing ceremonies in Jerusalem.  Although the US has gone it alone, US Ambassador to the UN Susan Rice, said "we (America) have acted so only because of the extreme urgency that the situation demanded" and with an obvious sigh continued "lets all understand, it was the Iranians who fired first, they launched two big missiles pointed straight at the biggest gathering of world leaders ever who came in the name of peace and we had the ability to stop them".  Ambassador Rice also stated that the Security Council had already met since all six delegates had been attending the signing ceremony and that the full assembly vote will take place as soon as everyone returns to New York. Meanwhile, governments around the world called emergency sessions to discuss and debate official responses to Iran's actions with many already committing troops and support for America's newest war. 

A press conference held at U.S. Central Command (CENTCOM) forward headquarters at Camp As Sayliyah in Qatar just hours after the incident and was overcrowded with press flowing into the hallways as CENTCOM Commander Admiral William Fallon gave the briefing himself via satellite from its HQ in Tampa, Florida.  Looking stressed and with his staff around him explained that at 1230 hours Iranian time mutiple launches where detected from a Republican Guard base in Qom Province just south of Tehran. He continued to detail how "airborne assets" tracked the missile trajectories and "calculated target and time to impact" stating he, at all times, was in real time communications with the "go" order decision makers but did not elaborate on who nor did he take questions after. Once the order was giving the USS Cole, best know for the attack on it by al-Qaeda in 2000 in which 17 sailors lost their lives, fired 17 of the newest class of anti-missile missile the RIM-3 in an attempt to knock out the two Iranian Shahab-3 targeting Jerusalem and at 1259 hrs and 1302 hrs respectfully, successfully intercepted and destroyed them over the border between Iraq and Saudi Arabia. No other information was given as to the other 15 missiles or to any other strikes which might have occurred. As of this time no reports are being allowed from reporters embedded with the American forces and the only reports, other than the briefing, have come from radio broadcast emanating from Iran which described multiple large explosions in and around government installations and facilities across Iran.

An historic day it was.

“In My Father’s House They Gathered All the Women into One Room”

Visiting the victims of Afghanistan's revenge rapes.

Kampirak, Amir Jan, and Qulyambo
O, daughters of Balkh! Your unrivaled beauty is the stuff of legends. One of your own has enchanted Alexander the Great with her pulchritude. And the violence you have suffered under the breast-shaped clay roofs of your Baktrian homes is unspeakable, unspoken, and unpunished.
In late 2001, after helping kick the Taliban out of northern Afghanistan, two militias allied with the United States raped and plundered their way through your villages. One was the ethnic Uzbek militia of General Abdul Rashid Dostum; the other was made up of ethnic Hazara followers of the warlord Muhammad Mohaqiq. They killed your men, slaughtered and stole your livestock, pillaged your homes, and violated your sisters, mothers, and daughters. Some of them took the time to explain why they had picked you as their victims: Because you are Pashtun, the ethnic group that made up most of the Taliban.
They were victorious; they were in the mood to avenge the rapes and massacres Taliban fighters had committed against their own wives, sisters and daughters. In the evolution of warfare, swords replaced javelins and guns replaced swords -- but rape has remained just as efficient a weapon as it was when the Achaemenid armies lay waste to this land, 2,600 years ago. You, daughters of Balkh, were the latest targets of the latest revenge cycle that swept through your country. Wheat in your fields has shuddered at the anguished screams of generations of your foremothers.
Eight years ago, four Pashtun women told me of their assailants, three fighters from Dostum's militia, Junbish-e-Milli-e-Islami who took turn raping them all night. Technically, only one of them, Nazu, was a woman; her daughters were 10, 12, and 14. The youngest, Bibi Amina, was playing with the fringe of the giant red scarf that covered her head and smiling. It seemed to me that she had not understood what had been done to her. The local police chief, an ethnic Tajik, said at the time that his men were too few, and too poorly armed, to hunt down the assailants. He was waiting for reinforcements.
Years passed; the militiamen who ravaged the Pashtun villages in Balkh remained free. Their warlords became government ministers; their lower-ranking commanders received posts in parliament; many of the rank-and-file fighters joined the police and thearmy. Their victims stopped talking about the crimes they had endured: Rape in Afghanistan carries a mark of unutterable disgrace.
Under their breast-shaped roofs - perfect hemispheres that face the limpid clay sky and virescent fields of wheat -- the women grieve quietly, and alone. They knead their tragedies into the golden sundials of nan they bake in smoky tandoor ovens in their impoverished courtyards; they weave them into the oil-black braids of their young, beautiful daughters; they immure them into the crumbling house walls they mend with fistfuls of straw and mud. When they do speak of those terrible days after the Taliban fell, they equivocate.
"They touched all the women and the teenage girls," one widow, whose cheeks and forehead are dotted with deep-blue marks of tribal tattoos, whispers to me in the corner of her dust-choked house.
"They dragged us out of our homes. Women and girls are ashamed to talk about what happened then," says another, modestly covering her face with a tatteredscarf the color of ripe wheat.
In my father's house they gathered all the women in one room," says the third. Her amber eyes bore through me. "We will never forgive these crimes. Until we die."
Last month, the Afghan government confirmed that it had signed into force the National Stability and Reconciliation Law -- and what a tragic misnomer that is. The law effectively amnesties all warlords and fighters responsible for large-scale human rights abuses in the preceding decades. "Their view," says Farid Mutaqi, a human rights worker in Mazar-e-Sharif, "is that justice should be the victim of peace."
You know what this means, daughters of Balkh: This means your rapes will never be punished. Perhaps, in some future iteration of war that has been rolling back and forth through these green wheat fields almost incessantly for millennia, they will be avenged -- through some other rapes, of some other women.

Garbage Economics - Predictions from the Street

This is an attempt to apply what I call hidden dynamics (or indicators) to economic forecasting based off observations of the amount and frequency of garbage placed out for collection combined with all the service related traffic on my street. 

Simply put by my observations of the daily cycles and routines on my block I have turned these events into economic indicators which tell me:

  • The Poor are receiving their tax returns or rebates in many cases and are quickly converting them into big flat screen TV's, computers and the accessories that go along with them. In Bush speak they are being "Patriotic". This "consumer confidence" will quickly dissipate as the checks stop coming and the costs to fuel their new found gadgets combined with ever increasing power costs will be all they can manage just to keep the air on.
  • The Middle is currently the shit in the proverbial shit sandwich and is being squashed into something new. I'm hoping for consciousness! Their garbage shows this in it's frugality and after separation of recyclables there is little left. They are streamlining, repairing instead of replacing and done with less and have no doubt lived in the constraints of their paychecks more then at anytime this century. As this class applies the 3 R's, Reduce, Reuse and Recycle, oldies but goodies, they will continue on as they have in regards to this economy with timid economic confidence as they see their jobs given to others or just disappear. But this year they'll take a vacation and they have earned it.
  • Then there are those who 'deserve it' which brings me to The Top. It's been difficult for them in these trying times justifying their luxuries so they have been concentrating on their needs and investing into their living spaces. The contractors and crews fill the street daily hauling and installing the latest upgrades available as delivery trucks one after another unload the latest spoils and supplies ordered off the internet. This will be a good year for The Top as was last year and the year before. Their garbage has grown bigger over the last several years even though now more is recycled and taken away by others. Watching all this play out in front of my eyes reminds me of and is proof that the neoconservative agenda of Reaganomics consisting of voodoo economics and trickle down theory are alive and well today. 
So let me get to predicting here: 
  • The Poor are Poor and the #'s seem to be growing! As the recession drags on and states cut off more services this epidemic will become more evident even though the fed's are adopting new poverty guidelines which will increase current numbers. But after 40+ years of "Happy Accounting/Reporting" the poverty figure chosen for the new guidelines are unrealistic and once officially published will be circumvented by the states due to the lack of ability to pay for any more or increased entitlements. After a long, hot and expensive (gas $4?) summer come the holidays and a wave of reports showing lines of people needing food and services that will start an "impromptu" social media marketing pitch by retailers who will donate to whatever cause on your behalf when you purchase their enlightened brand of thinking. This is not necessarily a bad thing especially if our politicians don't much care to take on these issues.
  • The Middle will continue to keep their heads down, work harder and when all is said and done get payed less for it. Their garbage will become less as they watch everything from their weight to receipts and maybe even read their benefit plan explanations and with what little money they have left going towards a well deserved family vacation. So expect a summertime bump if you live in a tourist spot or summer play area and outside of that they will continue their practice of frugality and the 3 R's while hoping they keep their jobs. I should say more on the Middle since everyone puts such high hopes on them for everyone's sake. As the economy and the war muddle along it will be this class that advocates most for new fiscal policy reforms addressing the connection between the costs of foreign occupations/wars verses domestic concerns on spending.
  • The Top has already begun to openly spend again with catered house parties (catering and party rental trucks galore) to show off their newest and freshest whatever from whomever (it all has names) and to plan for the upcoming summer social season now that the dust has settled and a new order revealed. But mostly I think that they think it's OK to relax. They has made it through till now and they still have a view. The rest of the neighborhood not trying to lynch them and they know it. As long as they are not flaunting, no ones faulting: everyone wishes the life for themselves.
 Summary: Garbage will continue to decrease in volume in the bottom two tiers of the block while increasing for the top. Delivery service's will increase their overall market, driving a small increase in e-commerce from all levels, however, small local merchants will feel a decrease in sales due to it. Look for a slow recovery with luxury goods and services leading the way followed by media content providers who are increasingly hooking users into a virtual world of expensive data plans and soon to come virtual goods.