Illusion of Democracy

I've been trying to write about the oil that now gushes (200,000 gallons a day is "gushing") into an ecosystem that was already collapsing and which an obituary can now be written. I'm not going to write it but it could be written and NOAA (that science agency) proved it's possibilities and  predicted it all alerting EVERYONE in a position to act in time! But the Cartels (Finance and Oil) got their way using the Illusion of Democracy created for and paid by YOU. Yep, when you filled up last you helped pay for the alcohol, cocaine and prostitutes to entertain the regulators as well as the rooms they sleep it off in afterwards. You also subsidized their shady deals, payed to much for their legal counsel and in the end will, as you always have, pick up the tab for the repercussions it all brings.  

Bill Moyers in his final broadcast called it Plutocracy and like oil and water they don't mix. You can call it what you want  (oligarchy, corporatocracyplutocracy or my favorite kleptocracy ) but it's not Democracy so don't expect that we'll act as such as our environment continues to worsen.  Unlike Prince Charles and Sting the average citizen can't afford to be "Green".  It costs too much which truly means it's not "green" with the hidden cost of this lifestyle revealed only by those who can afford it, the wealthy. Being rich just allows you to shop at Whole Foods and have at least one of your cars be a hybrid. These wealthy are great advocates of the Green Revolution but mostly the products they hawk, even if it's just themselves, the carbon they burn showing how green they are is as real as New York City and the events they love to showcase that are fake. This years Earth Day Celebrations held in the streets outside Grand Central Terminal in New York City was what I could only call disgusting. Corporate America, whatever that is, wrapped itself in the Earth Day flag. They greenwashed everyone (almost, I saw some other disgusted faces) with schwag (a marketing industry word for plastic crap to giveaway) and of course the reusable eco bag with logo's galore to carry it all in. I almost felt sorry for the few booths maned by actual concerned citizens and not paid promoters. I said, almost.

The charade goes on and on and as long as we hear of the occasional civil protest or the jailing of a corrupt individual we continue to believe in our vibrant democracy which is an illusion that will one day cost most of us a loved one or friend if it hasn't already. In these times we cannot expect our government to act on our behalf as they are not beholden to us, the citizenry. What we can expect is the continued widening of the disparity between the haves and the haves not with the continued looting by one at the expense of the other with pacification provided by the media cartels and their infotainment we so all love and trust.  With the illusion intact, patriotic means going shopping and wealth is in reach of us all. You just have to be as smart and motivated (I prefer crooked and corrupt) as the guy you wish to replace. 

So to all aspiring for the American Dream I say WAKE UP FROM YOUR MEDIA INDUCED COMA and realize that what we are really bequeathing to our children after we depart is really SERVITUDE not democracy.