"Mostly Harmless?"

When Douglas Adams penned his classic Hitchers Guide to the Galaxy he gracefully defined Earth's inhabitants as "Mostly Harmless" and from a galactic perspective he's right.  I'm quite sure that IF we annihilate ourselves, our fellow inhabitants or the Earth itself, the repercussions (ripples if you wish) will amount to just about that, ripples. As if you skipped a stone in the ocean! However.

If you were guessing or assuming that we are the stone, you got it right. But enough with this metaphor stuff because when it come to the human condition and it's continued existence on this planet, we are all but harmless, in fact most our actions and non actions are taking us collectively closer to an event horizon which will hallmark a new ideology for those left around to steward.

As Winston Churchill said before sanctioning the newly created super secret XX Committee "Sometimes the truth is so important that it must be veiled by a bodyguard of lies".  It will be my mission to help focus awareness on these lies so we might all be able to influence the Truth and the Truth is that our present society cannot continue to live inequitably amongst ourselves and our environment and that this is diametrically opposed with most who live comfortably today.

Your money is being spent to placate you while the wealthy get wealthier and the generals, politicians and players feast on the perks thrown to them for being the obedient dogs they are. As I stated above, the galactic consequences of us killing ourselves and this planet are minimal and harmless to all but ourselves and that's the point!